Sunday, April 27, 2014

Four Horseman

                In the film the Four Horseman there is a prediction of the American Empire collapsing. This means that the U.S. will eventually fall. Although it has been strong for many years, this is not a very good sign. Some reasons that led to this prediction are that it has been powerful and strong for more than 250 years now. The greatest empires are estimated to last around 250 years only. Other reason is that it is in such a point were people are exaggerated with luxury and things. This is due to the fear of not having enough because they feel the end is coming. There is already decadency in the American Empire.

               If the American Empire collapses it will also affect us in some way. It would not affect us as much as the people in the U.S. but it will still have a significant impact on us.  Many things in our life's would change. The benefits we receive somehow from the U.S. would no longer exist. The relations with the U.S. would totally change too. I think most countries in the world would be affected by the fall of the American Empire.

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