Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

              The lightbulb conspiracy is a film that talks mainly about planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is when something is designed to be broken or damaged in order for it to be replaced. This means that an object will be working for certain period of time and then it will have to be replaced. The best first example of planned obsolescence was the lightbulb. A man created a lightbulb that lasted a long time. In fact, that lightbulb is still working today and it is more than a hundred years old. This was not good for economy. So then, they decided they would create lightbulbs that break easily and last a short period of time.

              There was one man that gave the idea of having planned obsolescence in order to maintain economy. He was not heard and his idea was not legalized. However, years later the idea was becoming famous and people were beginning to practice it and it was not even legal. A great example of planned obsolescence is Apple. This company designs its product to last a short period of time and then it has to be replaced. The company has been sued multiple times, however people are still buying their products and being part of this never ending chain.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Four Horseman

                In the film the Four Horseman there is a prediction of the American Empire collapsing. This means that the U.S. will eventually fall. Although it has been strong for many years, this is not a very good sign. Some reasons that led to this prediction are that it has been powerful and strong for more than 250 years now. The greatest empires are estimated to last around 250 years only. Other reason is that it is in such a point were people are exaggerated with luxury and things. This is due to the fear of not having enough because they feel the end is coming. There is already decadency in the American Empire.

               If the American Empire collapses it will also affect us in some way. It would not affect us as much as the people in the U.S. but it will still have a significant impact on us.  Many things in our life's would change. The benefits we receive somehow from the U.S. would no longer exist. The relations with the U.S. would totally change too. I think most countries in the world would be affected by the fall of the American Empire.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Colombian Monetary System

The Banco de la Republica is the only bank in Colombia in charge of providing legal money around the country. It regulates the amount of money that can be circulating according to the economy. It is in charge of regulating the inflation and unemployment of the country. The clients of the Banco de la Republica are other banks that exist in Colombia. These banks give money to the Banco de la Republica in order to keep their money as a reserve in an account they have in it.

All of this different entities work together with the Banco de la Republica to create the Colombian Monetary System. They are all essential in keeping the balance and regulating the money use. The Banco de la Republica policies are the strategy of inflation, and taking decisions according to the actual state of the economy. These bank is similar to the U.S. monetary system because when the money goes through the bank it becomes legal. It is the only way it is legalized. What might be different between the Colombian Monetary System and the U.S. is the central bank is different and both have different methods.

"Politica Monetaria". Banco de la Republica de Colombia. Banco Central de Colombia. Colombia. April 4, 2014.

"Funciones del Banco de la Republica". Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango. Bogota. April 4, 2014.

Fractional Reserve Banking System

The fractional reserve banking system consists of four main steps. The first step is the central bank, who creates the paper money. The second, is the government putting the money in the bank and this way legalizing it. The third one is the bank giving loans to people. The fourth is people having to pay the loans at a bigger price due to interests. Then, the cycle repeats.

The central bank also receives more money than what they lent. It is possible because the cycle is never ending. Th U.S. government will always be paying the central bank and will never end paying because the money that is created is what the give back. The will never have more money than what it exists. This is why the cycle is never ending. The people also have no pay more than what they receive. If there is no debt it means there is no money. This means that there will always exist debt.