Sunday, March 16, 2014

What is Race?

Race is an idea that people have in order to organize society. Most of
the times people think race is defined by skin color but it is not. In
the film Power of Illusion we saw that people are not even able to
define what race is, the first thing they think about is skin color.
We all have a wrong perception of race. Race is just an idea we have
been taught through time, but it is not accurate.  Race is used to
classify people.

When we talk about race we are talking about culture more than skin
color. Race is a compilation of different traits that are part of a
person. In the film we see that race is not biological, for me this
means that race is more about where a person is raced and his beliefs.
Not necessarily the person's ancestry. We have been mistaking the
definition of race a long while ago.

Adelman, L. Race- The Power of An Illusion. California Newsreel.
April, 2003. Online. March 16,                           2014.

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