Monday, March 31, 2014

Kenya's Deadly Explosion

           In Kenya there was a huge explosion that caused death the death of at least five people. There were two different explosions that were located really near. It was not a grenade, it was way bigger. A restaurant collapsed and fell after the explosion. The are has already been secure for the protection of the people nearby.

         I think this is a very tragic news because it is about a terrorist attack. People were hurt by it, some lost their families. This should not be happening in this place. Security wont assure it will not happen again. Many people can be affected by an explosion. People should have the right to live a peaceful life, not worrying about any minute being an explosion and fearing their lives.

Kenya's Capital Hit by Deadly Explosion". Al jazeera. March 31, 2014.

Relation Between Food Inc, Economics and Race

          Food Inc has a very strong relation with economics. It is by far one of the biggest income producers in economy. Although it might a beneficial relation for economy it is not the best way of production and the healthiest. This relation might be dangerous at times. Economy only wants and cares for the benefits  that the food industry provides. It does not care about the costumers or their workers.

        The Food Inc is in some way related to race too. Some people are abused because of their "race" or just an idea they get just for the skin color of a person. In the Food Inc, thousands of farmers are constantly abused by important and recognized companies. They are forced to work for them under horrible circumstances in order to pay them the money they were lent for the growth of their farms. In both race and Food Inc they are abuses and bad relations.

Kenner, R. "Food Inc". Independent Movie Database. June 4, 1995. March 31, 2014.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Global Military Expenditure

One of the main global issues is the military expenditure. Every year that goes by governments are expending more and more money on military and weapons. A high amount of the world's money is being invested in this. This money could be used for other issues such as ending poorness or at least a good amount of it. The USA spends about the half of all the global expenditure on military.

This is an issue because this many could be used for other beneficial causes. This could only lead to other greater issues such as a world war, causing more damage than usual. The year with the highest expenditure was 2012. This could be a risk, it is not safe at all. There should be a shortage to the world military expenditure.

This link shows a list of the worlds 6 greatest military investors.

"World Military Spending". Global Issues. March 24, 2014.

Consequences of Economic Hit Men

Economic Hit Men usually try to persuade the leaders of undeveloped countries to use lent money from world bank for example, and then the country has to pay back the money and even more. It is kind of like fooling undeveloped countries. In the interview we saw, John Perkins, the author of the Economic Hit Man talked about the impact of Economic Hit Men in global context and also in specific regions or countries. The global impact its the controlling of the economy by using undeveloped countries and benefiting from them.

An example of a regional impact of Economic Hit Men is the death of the leader of Panama. Whenever a president of a country or the authority refuses to accept the deals offered by economic hit men, they are often killed or persecuted. Panama lost its leader in a supposed plane crash a few months after rejecting the deal.

"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions." Democracy Now! March 24, 2014.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Power Privilege

Sadly, the power privilege has always been owned by the white people.  Racism towards black and asian people comes from a long time ago. White people have always been known as "superior". In the film The Power of Illusion we saw that race has mistakenly been defined by skin color. Black people have always been at the bottom of the caste system. I think this attributions that white people have taken are not correct.

White people see people with  other skin color as inferior to them. They believe being white gives them authority and superiority over the rest. In the film we can see that black people have always the worst economic conditions compared to white people. White people are ten times wealthier than black people. This is not something from the past, it is still seen today. White people are considered privileged based on their skin color and this is not fair.

Adelman, L. Race- The Power of An Illusion. California Newsreel. April, 2003. Online. March 16,                           2014. 

What is Race?

Race is an idea that people have in order to organize society. Most of
the times people think race is defined by skin color but it is not. In
the film Power of Illusion we saw that people are not even able to
define what race is, the first thing they think about is skin color.
We all have a wrong perception of race. Race is just an idea we have
been taught through time, but it is not accurate.  Race is used to
classify people.

When we talk about race we are talking about culture more than skin
color. Race is a compilation of different traits that are part of a
person. In the film we see that race is not biological, for me this
means that race is more about where a person is raced and his beliefs.
Not necessarily the person's ancestry. We have been mistaking the
definition of race a long while ago.

Adelman, L. Race- The Power of An Illusion. California Newsreel.
April, 2003. Online. March 16,                           2014.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Defense Wall in Palestine

I am sharing a link of a video about the Defense wall in Palestine. It shows the division between Israelis and Palestinians. It shows the isolation of the Palestinian communities. Separation from a land that used to be their home. The cities that this wall affects the most are Jerusalem and Bethlehem. This wall cut of Palestinians from their city and their life.

It is really sad to see people taken out of their homelands. This is a drastic life change for people. They are being separated from everything they know. They are depriving palestinians from their land. This is an injustice. Imagine being taken out of your country, not being able to go back. Leaving behind evrything you have ever known. Starting from zero in a place you do not know.

Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree is a movie that shows the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians. It shows the division of the two sides. It also shows the conditions in which each side lives in. Jews are privileged and have power over Arabs. They can sometimes be abusive and unconscious  towards the Palestinians. The movie is about the fight between a Palestinian woman and the Israeli prime minister over her lemon trees. The trees are to be cut down for security reasons in terms of the prime minister. They take the case to the supreme court and of course, the Israeli prime minister wins and the trees are cut down.

This movie teaches different things about the conflict. The division of power between both sides, the division of power between each one of the sides. It shows all of the injustices that are going on in this conflict. It also shows how people of both sides feel about it and about each other. This movie made me feel different things about the conflict. It also inspired me because it shows perseverance and love. It shows that we have to stand for what we want and fight for it. We have to stand up for what we believe and love.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Israel-Pakistan casualties.

I share this link to a webpage called United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory.  It is a very interesting webpage because it has tables an charts about the casualties in the Israel-Pakistan conflict. It also has a lot of background information and I find it very useful.

Article on Palestine and Israel Peace

Steven J. Rosen is a journalist for Foreign Policy Magazine. This magazine focuses mostly in the Israel - Palestine conflict. In the article named "Palestine's Peace Bomb", Rosen writes about the growing of Arab population in the West Bank. This as he said, might lead to a bi-national state. Rosen exposed that   the only solution for this conflict is an agreement from both sides. He calls this a "two state solution".

The link to this article is:

MLA Citation: Rosen J, Steven. "Palestine's Peace Bomb". Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy Magazine. January 31, 2014. Web. March 2, 2014.

In this article Steven points out that the solution is a two state solution. I agree with this because if the is not an agreement on both sides, there will never be a real solution to the conflict. There would always be disadvantage in a side. The two state solution would implicate an agreement on with both of the sides are benefitted in the most similar way possible.

Article on Israel and Palestine

Massoud A Derhally is a Middle East reporter that writes for Aljazeera. He wrote an article named "Israel and Palestine: Shifting Paradigms."In this article he wrote about how Israel hates to be compared to the South African Apartheid System. However, he writes about all the similarities the Israeli government has with the apartheid system. Both of them had segregated roads and places. Prohibition of Marriage between Palestinians and Israelis, as well as other segregation conditions.
The link to this  article is:

MLA Citation: A Derhally, Massoud. "Israel and Palestine: Shifting Paradigms."Aljazeera. Feberuary 17, 2014. Web. March 2, 2014.

In this article I agree with Massoud's point of view because in Israel there is segregation even though they do not accept it. There are many resemblances between Israel's government system and the apartheid system in South Africa. How people view this conflict can vary. Most of the times,  there is only one part of the story shown. i think it is necessary to know both in order to take an accurate position towards the conflict. I agree the there is going to be a shift in this conflict and that it's end might come sooner than later, but not under the best conditions.