Sunday, February 23, 2014

Origins of Conflict

Conflict is commonly known as the contradiction or disagreement between people from a same group, or different opposing groups. An easier way to define conflict is to say it is like a fight, battle, struggle or war. The main reason of the existence of conflict in any case, is discordance in opinion, ideas, beliefs or principles. This means people not sharing or thinking the same way. When the conflict is within people of a same group it is known as intergroup conflict. Conflict can be also known as a tension.

In a conflict, the opposing sides are consistently trying to hurt the other in order to prove or get what they desire. There are different kinds or types of conflict. The three types are process, task and relationship conflict. The process conflict consists of disagreement in methods to obtain or do something. The task conflict consists mainly in the difference of opinions or beliefs towards something specific. The relationship conflicts are just interpersonal incompabilities between people or different groups. Some people say that process and relationship conflicts are very prejudicial and negative. In the other hand they say that tasks conflicts can be beneficial some times due to the diversity of opinions.

There is always a reason behind a conflict. A struggle is not created or began just because. There is something that leads to a problem. Some of the main or common reasons why a conflict is originated are superiority between one another, injustice in the proceedings of something or someone, vulnerability, distrust or lack of confidence between people or groups. There can be endless reasons to start a conflict but most of them relate to one of these reasons.

Conflict has existed a long time ago all around the world. A simple example of conflict is animals fighting over food. In class we have been studying conflicts that exist today. Most of them in Middle East Asia, although they are around the whole globe. We have been focusing in the Syrian conflict and also the Sudanese. These conflicts come from quite a while ago and have not been ended yet. As a result of it, many people have suffered negative consequences such as death, or injury. Others have fled their countries in search of refugee. Conflict the majority of times brings negative effects. It is only a few times in which the resolution of the conflicts brings benefits for both sides.

N.p.. “Conflict”. Wikipedia. Wikipedia foundation, inc. Web. 23                                  

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